The Beginning
CS251 - The Beginning
Introductions, and all that stuff
Office hours 3-5 PM, Monday, Wednesday
Web Page:
Textbook: Real-Time Rendering, 3rd Edition, Akenine-Moller, Haines, Hoffman (Mostly unrelated as it goes into more detail, but is good to read up if you want extra info.)
CS251 is an overview for game designers and artists, including some material from CS200, but mostly from CS250 and CS300.
Basic 2D and 3D transformations (including perspective projection)
General realtime program organization; More transformations: 3D navigation
Graphics hardware pipeline and GLSL shader programming
Phong and BRDF lighting
Full lighting integral
Intro to textures
Texture mapping pipeline, hardware anti-aliasing and mipmaps
Sky dome, normal map, hierarchal modeling
Miscellaneous topics; Parallax, ambient occlusion, Ray-tracing
1. Basic 3D transformations (Week 2)
2. Navigation via 3d transformations (Week 4)
3. Lighting (Week 6)
4. Texture Mapping (Week 8)
5. Sky dome, and student option (Week 10)
Each project has a small project report that says what you did for the project. It makes up for about 10% of the grade for each project; however, marking is fairly lenient.
Marks allocation:
5 Programming Assignments (50%)
Midterm (25%)
Final (25%)
Transformations include rotate, translate and scale.