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Campaign Ideas


  • Have newly created characters be connected to the previous characters in some way.

Cyclical Doom

(Idea from Flintwyrm)

  • Each time the world ends, add more content and classes. Optionally, have the content and classes be dependent on how the world ended.
  • Optionally, have a graveyard for dead characters which the players can choose from when making new characters.

Verhu’s Mandate

  • Have two counters for mission/session success and failure. The definition of a success/failure is up to the GM’s discretion - for example, a TPK can still be a “success” if the mission objective was achieved.
  • 7 successful missions prevents the apocalypse.
  • 7 failed missions brings about the apocalypse.
  • Do not roll the misery dice per in-game day - instead, for every failed mission, add a misery - preferably fitting to how the PCs failed. (Failed to stop a necromancer/lich? “3:1 At Graven-Tosk the soil shall grow warm and those who rest be made to walk.”) These are announced at the start of the session following said mission.
  • Mission difficulty should (roughly) scale with the number of successful missions. It should go from kinda tough to insane.
  • For every 2 failed missions, allow the players to Get Better once during character creation. (For example, 5 failed missions allows new characters to Get Better twice)