Chaos Reigns Supreme
Table of contents
This is still in development! When it’s done I’ll put it up on Itch in a much nicer format. Probably.
Chaos Reigns Supreme is a supplement for use with OD&D and retro-clones. Refer to the original rules to fill any gaps.
The name will probably change, because it sucks.
Writing by Brandon Yu.
Starting Equipment list from Cairn by Yochai Gal.
Some weapons from Wolves Upon the Coast by Luke Gearing.
Mighty Deeds from Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Conversion: TN = (9-AC)/2 (round up)+7
7 TN = Unarmored (AC 9)
8 TN = Leather (AC 7-8)
9 TN = Mail (AC 5-6)
10 TN = Plate (AC 3-4)
Shield adds +1 TN.
To attack, roll 2d6. If it is meets or beats the enemy’s TN, the attack hits.
For damage, roll exploding d6s equal to the attacker’s HD - any roll of 6 can be rerolled, with the new value added. The final damage is equivalent to the highest roll.
Natural rolls of 12 add an extra damage die.
Example: Kessler swings at an ogre with his sword. Kessler rolls 2d6: 10, which beats the ogre’s TN of 8. Because Kessler has 4 HD, 4 d6s are rolled: 6, 2, 3 and 6. The 2 6s are re-rolled: 4, 6. The final 6 is re-rolled: 2. Kessler deals 6+6+2=14 damage to the ogre.
HD can be converted into to-hit modifiers.
Example: Kessler, being 4 HD, could have swung at the ogre with a +2 to-hit modifier, but would only roll 2 damage dice.
If the <1 HD is used for the damage dice (for example, if all of the HD is converted into to-hit modifiers), roll 1 damage die at disadvantage (2 dice, pick worst).
Optionally, for solo play, assume that enemies always apply their HD to their damage dice.
For ranged attacks, apply -1 to-hit for medium-range shots. Apply -2 to-hit for long-range shots.
Ranged weapons fired into melee hit a random participant.
Magic Weapons
Modifiers from magic weaponry are added to both to-hit rolls and damage dice.
Mighty Deeds (WIP)
Before performing an attack, PCs of the fighter class can declare a Mighty Deed, such as blinding, tripping or shoving an enemy.
Performing a Mighty Deed requires a successful hit and the sacrificing of an otherwise exploding damage die. Once sacrificed, the damage die cannot be re-rolled.
The more exploding damage dice sacrificed, the more potent the Deed. A GM may rule that a particularly Mighty Deed requires sacrificing more than one exploding damage die.
Melee | Description |
Dagger | Throwable. When attacking a prone/unaware target, damage dice explode on 4-6. |
Hand-Axe | Throwable. On a natural 12, 2 damage dice are added instead of 1. |
Staff | Increases wielder’s TN by 1. |
Sword | Attacks against the wielder equal to their TN allow the wielder to attempt to parry. The wielder rolls an attack against their opponent, negating the initial attack if successful. |
Battle-Axe | If any dice explode, a weapon or shield is ripped from the grip of the opponent. |
Morning Star | Ignores shields (reduce TN by 1 if the opponent is shielded.) |
Spear | Reach. Can interrupt anyone moving within reach to attack them regardless of initiative, if wielder sacrifices their free movement. |
Mace | +1 to-hit against metallic/rigid armor. |
Great-Sword | Two-handed. On a killing blow, wielder can roll another attack against a nearby enemy. |
Pole-Arm | Two-handed. Reach. Attacks against a nominated adjacent ally are at -1 (can be stacked to -2). |
Ranged | Description |
Sling | Never runs out of ammo. |
Shortbow | Can split move and fire (i.e. move fire move). |
Longbow | +1 to-hit if a round is spent aiming. |
Crossbow | Reroll any initial damage dice of 1 once. Requires reloading each round, preventing movement. |
For all saves, 1s on any die indicate automatic failure.
Physical checks: 2d6+HD ≥ TN
Fortitude checks: 2d6+HD ≥ 9
Mental checks: 2d6+Level ≥ 9
Advantage: Instead of 2d6, roll 3d6 and take the 2 highest.
Fighters get advantage on saves involving physical agility/strength.
Magic-users get advantage against magic.
Clerics get advantage against poison/paralysis.
Thieves get advantage against traps.
PCs get advantage on skill-related and background-related saves.
Appropriate items give advantage as well.
Advantage does not stack, but more than 1 advantage means the save is automatically passed.
Each level, choose an additional skill to get advantage in, appropriate to the fiction.
Character Creation
d66 | Background | d66 | Background |
11 | Elder | 41 | Scribe |
12 | Warrior | 42 | Noble |
13 | Hermit | 43 | Healer |
14 | Sage | 44 | Alchemist |
15 | Merchant | 45 | Storyteller |
16 | Bandit | 46 | Refugee |
21 | Thief | 51 | Slave |
22 | Adventurer | 52 | Assassin |
23 | Herdsman | 53 | Pit Fighter |
24 | Hunter | 54 | Executioner |
25 | Farmer | 55 | Veteran |
26 | Mercenary | 56 | Smuggler |
31 | Outcast | 61 | Thug |
32 | Mystic | 62 | Cultist |
33 | Performer | 63 | Gambler |
34 | Guide | 64 | Scout |
35 | Priest | 65 | Apprentice |
36 | Guard | 66 | Sorcerer |
PCs start with 2d6*10 gold, a large sack, d6 torches and d6 rations.
Roll for armor:
d6 | Armor |
1-2 | Unarmored (6 TN) |
3-4 | Leather (7 TN) |
5 | Mail (8 TN) |
6 | Plate (9 TN) |
Roll for weapon:
d6 | Weapon |
1 | Dagger/Staff/Hand-Axe |
2 | Spear/Mace |
3 | Sword/Battle-Axe |
4 | Greatsword |
5 | Bow/Sling |
6 | Crossbow |
If you rolled 1-3 (one-handed weapons), roll a d6 — on a 1-2, you also get a shield (+1 TN)
Roll for 3 pieces of starting equipment:
d66 | Equipment | d66 | Equipment |
11 | Fire Oil | 41 | Marbles |
12 | Grappling Hook | 42 | Spyglass |
13 | Lockpicks | 43 | Antitoxin |
14 | 50’ Rope | 44 | Net |
15 | 10’ Pole | 45 | Small Bell |
16 | Crowbar | 46 | Fake Gems |
21 | Bucket | 51 | Incense |
22 | Chisel | 52 | 10’ Chain |
23 | Chalk | 53 | Caltrops |
24 | Shovel | 54 | Grease |
25 | Hammer | 55 | Fishing Rod |
26 | Glue | 56 | Saw |
31 | Horn | 61 | Sleeping Bag |
32 | Dice | 62 | Nails |
33 | Mirror | 63 | Perfume |
34 | Quill & Ink | 64 | Manacles |
35 | Soap | 65 | Tongs |
36 | Whistle | 66 | Bottle |
d66 | Motivation | d66 | Motivation |
11 | Master Skill | 41 | Prove Worth |
12 | Accumulate Wealth | 42 | Advance Status |
13 | Vengeance | 43 | Kill Creature |
14 | Protect Family | 44 | Secure Resources |
15 | Gain Respect | 45 | Complete Ritual |
16 | Fulfill Prophecy | 46 | Pay Debt |
21 | Heal Curse | 51 | Wanderlust |
22 | Achieve Glory | 52 | Find Resource |
23 | Spread Faith | 53 | Defend Area |
24 | Increase Strength | 54 | Reach Destination |
25 | Right Wrong | 55 | Obtain Redemption |
26 | Build Relationship | 56 | Protect Reputation |
31 | Fulfill Duty | 61 | Seek Thrills |
32 | Gain Knowledge | 62 | Impress Upper Power |
33 | Reach Enlightenment | 63 | Uphold Honor |
34 | Seize Power | 64 | Avoid Past |
35 | Find Person | 65 | Shirk Duty |
36 | Obtain Object | 66 | Roll Twice |
When meeting a random encounter, there is a 2-in-6 chance (by default) of surprise on either side.
For each surprised side, add +1 to the distance roll:
d6 | Encounter Distance | Flee Difficulty |
1 | Very Far | 6 |
2 | Far | 7 |
3-5 | Medium | 8 |
6 | Near | 9 |
To flee, roll 2d6 and meet or beat the flee difficulty.
Using a surprise round (assuming the other is not also surprised) to flee adds +3 to the roll.
Being encumbered deducts -2 from the roll.
2d6 | Reaction | Parley Difficulty | Notes |
2-3 | Attack!! | 9 | Initiates combat when possible |
4-5 | Hostile | 9 | Parley required to prevent combat |
6-8 | Uncertain | 8 | Does not initiate combat but will not assist |
9-11 | Friendly | 7 | Willing to assist for a price |
12 | Very Helpful | — | Willing to assist for minimal to no price |
Reaction is rolled whenever the encounter is about to attempt their first action.
Parleys can improve reactions - roll 2d6 and meet or beat the parley difficulty.
Common modifiers:
Relevant background: +1
No common language: -2
Using surprise round to parley: +1
Trading desired items: +1/+2
Rolls ≥12 add 2 tiers.
Rolls ≤2 deduct 2 tiers.
Parleys while in combat require sacrificing a combat round to attempt.
Parleys can be attempted multiple times, but there is a +1 cumulative difficulty after each parley attempt.
d66 | Situation | d66 | Situation |
11 | Betrayal | 41 | Broken |
12 | Guidance | 42 | Survival |
13 | Destruction | 43 | Tragic |
14 | Warning | 44 | Conflict |
15 | Loss | 45 | Separation |
16 | Victory | 46 | Revenge |
21 | Chase | 51 | Enlightenment |
22 | Transformation | 52 | Trickery |
23 | Corruption | 53 | Return |
24 | Fate | 54 | Friendship |
25 | Hunt | 55 | Feud |
26 | Ascension | 56 | Lucrative |
31 | Corruption | 61 | Personal |
32 | Obtained | 62 | Fortune |
33 | Sacrifice | 63 | Curse |
34 | Retreat | 64 | Honor |
35 | Surrender | 65 | Guilt |
36 | Temptation | 66 | Defense |
d66 | Descriptor | d66 | Descriptor |
11 | Abundance | 41 | Abandoned |
12 | Primitive | 42 | Strange |
13 | Sacred | 43 | Stark |
14 | Powerful | 44 | Damaged |
15 | Weakness | 45 | Conflicted |
16 | Illusory | 46 | Hospitable |
21 | Mysterious | 51 | Concealed |
22 | Corrupted | 52 | Imposing |
23 | Unyielding | 53 | Desolate |
24 | Protected | 54 | Menacing |
25 | Grim | 55 | Diseased |
26 | Horrific | 56 | Profane |
31 | Beautiful | 61 | Prosperous |
32 | Temporary | 62 | Hopeful |
33 | Ruined | 63 | Burden |
34 | Opulent | 64 | Problem |
35 | Shining | 65 | Knowledgeable |
36 | Natural | 66 | Connected |