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Table of contents
  1. Karth
    1. Concept
    2. Inspiration
    3. Moodboard


  • Shards are power. Magic, which is chaotic but incredibly powerful, can only be harnessed through mysterious, rare meteorite Shards. Those with ambition seek the Shards to gain power and influence. There are even rumors of Shards that can level kingdoms.
  • The meteors and their surrounding areas are dangerous. The areas around the craters of the ancient meteors bend reality the closer you get. This has divided Karth into multiple subregions, as most people travel around the meteors. That said, there are some who are so seduced by the power of the Shards that they will brave the journey to the meteors. Most do not return.
  • Different meteors bend reality in different ways. Shards from the same meteor would share a theme, whether that be flesh mutations, elemental magic or mind-altering spells. Likewise, the area around the meteor craters would reflect that theme.
  • The world is brutal.  The kingdoms are not kind. Their rulers are mad with power, and there is an arms race for the Shards. Shards are power, after all, and something many would kill for.
  • The world is strange. Strangest close to the meteors, for certain, but their influence can be felt and seen further away.
  • There are no typical fantasy races. There are strange and often horrible monsters, especially surrounding the meteors, but otherwise, towns and cities are populated by humans. Of course, flesh mutating spells do exist…


  • Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure for its outlandish and insane regions.
  • Zdzislaw Beksinski paintings for the dreary and surreal feel.
  • Bloodborne for the dark and oppressive feel.
  • Caves of Qud for its many, many mutation ideas.
  • STALKER for its similar theme of hunting for artifacts.

