

  1. CS225
    1. OOP
      1. Inheritance
  2. CS200



Define relationships between objects:

• Has-a
• Is-a


3 Types of Views

Note: The views are unofficial - they are used to gain a better understanding of the material.

Logic View

“Has -a”
An instance of A contains at least 1 instance of B

class B

class A
    B obj;

/* A is in a "has-a" relationship with B*/

D “is-a” B
D can be accessed as if D is a B

class D:B

/*D is in a "is-a" relationship with B */

Memory View

Important: A and D have the exact memory layout.

Language View

• Syntax
• Types of Inheritance
• Figure out how members access our result.


3 Access Specifiers for Inheritance

1. Public inheritance

struct B { int x; int y; };
class D : public B
    void foo()
        D d;
        d.y=20/*This is okay.*/
        this->x =30;
        this->y = this->x;
        //All the above are okay.

D d;
d.x = d.y; //This is also okay even though it's outside the sscope - this is because it is public.

class D: public B { ... };
D can be publicly used as if it is a B.

Any scope can use D as if it is a B.

2. Protected inheritance

Protected inheritance can only be accessed by the derived class and it's descendants.


class D2: protected B {};
class D3: protected B { D3 d3; d3.x = d3.y; /*this is okay*/
                        D2 d2; d2.x = d2.y; /* this is not okay! */
//Explanation: D3 is using B even though protected inheritance means that x and y can only be accessed by the derived class and its descendants; neither of whom are D3.
//Another note: D3 cannot be created because D3 has not yet been defined but that's a nitpick.

class D4: protected D2 {D4 d4; d4.x=d4.y //this is okay
                        D2 d2; d2.x = d2.y; //not okay! Since we're dealing with x and y D4 can only use itself as B but it cannot use D2 as a B.

D2 d2;
d2.x = d2.y; /*This does NOT WORK, results in compile time failure */

3. Private inheritance.

• Private inheritance means that the inheritance can only be accessed by the derived class itself and no other scope.

Why use inheritance?

//Before inheritance:
void update_all_objects(std::vector<Object> &v)
    for(auto& elem: v)

//After inheritance:
void update_all_objects(std::vector<Object *> &v)
    for(auto& elem: v)